The Wellness of it All…

A Weighty Subject

This is a picture of me in Tree Pose, August/September 2015. This is one of the healthiest, fittest and smallest (size wise) time of my life. When this picture was taken there was hot yoga, yin yoga, Crossfit and swimming; each happening multiple times a week. I lived in gyms, yoga studios and pools. I was also seeing a physical therapist fairly often for continuing knee issues.

I, like many others, have struggled with my weight and body image issues my entire life. In fact, I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t worried about my weight. From the time I was a kid, my weight seemed to be a topic of conversation. My mother, in her heyday, was a fairly statuesque 5’8” tall blond with hazel eyes. My mother has always been into health, fitness, vitamins, eating well and controlling her diet. You can imagine how dismaying it was to have a kid who just could not keep weight off. But I digress. It wasn’t like I was sitting at home watching TV. I was an active kid, my brother and I, along with the other kids in my neighborhood we’re always outside riding bikes, rollerblading, climbing a tree, playing tag, swimming during the summer, sleigh riding during the snowy winter months and all those other things that kids do, or used to do.

About 5 months ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I did not have an easy pregnancy or delivery. I am currently at a higher weight than I am comfortable. My quest for health, fitness and all- around wellness begins again.

For me, exercise goes in cycles, I have a difficult time truly staying committed to my pursuit of physical fitness for more than a year/ year and a half. I am not sure why I have this problem. I know I feel better in all aspects of my being when I am exercising in some way. So I started jogging, which, let me tell you, I hate with the fire of a thousand suns, but I feel better when I’m done huffing and puffing and finally catch my breath. I have also decided to use one of the fitness apps that are so popular these days. Better Me. is the app I have been using and I like it because it allows me to hit different body parts quickly. Currently I am a beginner so my workouts aren’t generally more than 8-minutes long per body part. For me this is great. My son does not always allow me a solid 30, 45, or 60 minutes to work out. I’m lucky if I get the full 8 right now.

In terms of diet, I decided to invest in one of those DNA tests that tells you what food groups are better for you. For example, I don’t metabolize carbohydrates well, which is a shame. I also do not metabolize alcohol well– I did not need a DNA test to tell me this. Nor do I process animal protein well in too large quantities. So for those of you who are familiar with different dietary needs, my best bet is to stick to more of a plant- based diets with lots of healthy fats. We shall see how this works out.

As I quickly move out of my early thirties and into my mid- thirties, I recognize the need to get healthy and stay healthy for the long haul this time. My little boy is already super active and I want to be super active with him. I am sure there are a bunch of you out there that can relate to this.

It could not be truer that not all exercise regimens or diet plans work for all people. One thing that I have learned through my lifetime of diet and exercise of losing weight and gaining weight, that you have to find the right combination that works for you. The main idea of more calories burned than consumed is true, but its not as simple as that in my experience. It seems to depend on what kind of foods you are eating and when. As well as what type of exercising you are doing and when. What worked for me when I was 17 does not work for me now at 33.

So to all of you who also struggle with their weight, whether you want to lose 5, 25 or 125 pounds, keep the faith in yourself that you can make it happen. I struggle doing this too, but I have lost weight in the past and I know I can do it again.

This is just a little bit about me and my journey to health and wellness, please feel free to share yours!

Thanks for reading!



I am not a medical doctor. You should always check with a licensed medical professional before trying any recipe, workout routine, supplements etc. The Wellness Copywriter cannot be held liable for any illness or injury that occurs from the use of these products, recipes, routines, supplements, etc.